Finding art inspiration in nature
“Study nature. Love nature. Stay close to nature. It will never fail you.”
Frank Lloyd Wright
The colours, patterns and shapes of nature have been an enduring creative curiosity for me.
Looking at nature invites awe and wonder into my life and is the inspiration for much of my art. When I slow down and take the time to really study nature, it moves me, motivates me and inspires me.
A walk in nature soothes my soul, enlivens my spirit and informs my creativity.
In this video I share some of my recent sketchbook pages which have all been inspired by time in nature and a couple of art books and artists who have created stunning nature-inspired art…
The photographs of Karl Blossfeldt
I also chat a little about my new online art class Nature and Nurture which uses nature as a catalyst for creating art… So if you’d like to use the shapes and motifs of nature to nurture your creativity and inspire beautiful and unique abstract and semi abstract art you may like to check it out.