Create art you love.

Online art classes to inspire you

If you’d like to create art you love, experiment with different ways of making art and learn new art techniques, then check out these fun and informative mixed media, abstract and semi abstract online art classes. They’re encouraging and informative, available to take immediately and suitable for all levels of experience…give yourself the gift of creativity and make more art. Take a look now.

 Joy Filled Flowers: Mixed Media Sketchbook is my new online class where we use a vase of flowers to inspire our creativity and fill our sketchbook full of beautiful abstract and semi abstract art.

Learn how to use the shapes and motifs of nature to nurture your creativity and inspire beautiful and unique art. In this class you’ll learn how to seek and gather inspiration in nature as a springboard to inspire all sorts of beautiful mixed media, semi-abstract art.

In this fun, experimental still life class you’ll learn how to create a body of striking mixed media, semi-abstract art. Art inspired by objects.

We’ll be looking at other artists, curating ideas and inspiration, drawing, collaging, painting and exploring mixing materials. This class is packed with step by step instructions, ideas and wisdom to help you create still life art that you love…


“You’ve positively impacted my work, more than any other teacher I’ve followed or taken classes from (and it’s been a LOT!). I’ve taken several of your classes and watch all your YouTube videos. The way you teach resonates with me and has for real shifted my art.” 


  • Mixed media sketchbooks

    Mixed media sketchbook class

    Learn how to be more confident and considered when mixing media in your sketchbook in this short playful class

  • Abstract acrylics inspired by objects

    Learn how to use objects in your home to inspire beautiful abstract or semi-abstract acrylic paintings.

  • Mark making sketchbook class

    An experimental, playful online art class to help you explore mark making in your sketchbook and art

  • Colour and pattern sketchbook class

    A class using coloured pens and pencils to explore colour and pattern in your sketchbook

  • Make a concertina art book full of bold botanicals & vase and vessels

    In this class you will learn how to make a simple concertina art book and ways to fill it with watercolour and collage experiments.

  • Make an art book full of abstract shapes

    In this online class you will learn how to make a simple glued art journal and ways to fill it with mixed media and collage experiments. We'll be making abstract shapes and patterns.