Understanding our art by writing
I’m a great believer in writing things down. Sometimes the act of putting pen to paper can turn the intangible into the tangible. Asking ourselves questions and writing down our answers can help us to articulate our intentions and ideas to ourselves. It can help us find clarity when we are a little unclear. Our answers can also serve as a reminder and prompt along the way.
A sketchbook made from one piece of paper
One page sketchbooks
In this video I share how I use one page sketchbooks as art note books.
You can learn how to make a one page sketchbook here if you would like to.
Writing to understand
Writing about our art can help us to organise our thoughts, collect and capture ideas and can give us ideas when we are feeling under-inspired. Here are some questions you may like to use as prompts for your own writing:
What am I interested in exploring?
How do I want my art to feel?
What processes do I want to explore?
What do I want to start/stop doing in my art making?
What artist’s are currently calling to me and why?
What art materials do I want to use?
What advice do I need to give myself?
What can I do to nurture my creativity?
I like to keep adding to my one page notebook as ideas occur to me, I try and capture those fleeting observations before they escape. It creates a useful resource, a map of inspiration and ideas…