Looking back to go forward…
In this video I show you some recent studies, sketches and sketchbooks and chat about how I often review my artwork as a way to take stock and inform my next art making move….
Spending a little time looking back over previous creations is a lovely way to recall, retain and be reminded of things that may have been forgotten and can bring clarity about what to make next.
Looking back over work we have previously created is like catching up with old friends, remembering and reminiscing.
When we look at our work collected together we are better able to see connections and themes and ways in which we may like to combine elements and ideas together to create something new.
I find it useful to review my work with an inquisitive eye, asking questions such as:
What do I find interesting here?
What is calling to me?
What do I find visually pleasing? A colour, a mark, a line quality, a combination or juxtaposition?
Why does this appeal to me?
How does it feel?
How do I want my current art to feel?
How could I evolve this?
How could I develop it?
I find that what I have already created holds important signs or signals and reviewing it can ignite something new or prompt me to explore and expand on a theme or technique, spending time ‘mining’ our own creations can be a useful way to better understand our own artistic sensibilities and style.
There is a lovely continuum in art making, everything that we’ve made before, we bring to our new creations, nothing is ever wasted, it’s like everything we’ve already made informs everything to come….and I relish that continuity and evolution…